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Recap: “Faith” Episode 18

Joonni: The drama approaches it’s final chapter as one baddie loses his mind, the other hangs on by a thread, and another, perhaps the most powerful of all, rides into town. At the same time, our OTP makes an enormous stride in confirming their feelings for each other but yes, the damn world won’t just let them be.

Softy: It was folly to expect this show to slow down its plot so we can enjoy the two lovebirds finally in sync cuz now the whole drama has kicked into hyper drive. This episode went by so fast I have whiplash without turning my head even once. Sort of makes you wonder with everything and everyone out to get them, do these two even have a prayer of a chance to have the option of staying together for the rest of their remaining days.

“Forever” (“Carry On” Piano Version)

Episode 18

Eun-soo informs Young that the Hyun Go Chon is going to be attacked and Young replies, “I know, so there is no time.” Eun-soo urges Young to leave. “Hurry and go.” Young looks at Eun-soo straight in the eye and says, “Because there is no other way…” He leans in, pulling Eun-soo towards him and kisses her.

Everyone watches in shock with their mouths hanging open. Young ends the kiss and looks at Deok Heung and says, “This is why the marriage is not possible.” Deok Heung orders him captured for going after a prince’s woman. Young smiles gently at Eun-soo before walking away.

Ki Chul leans in and tells Deok Heung to just wrap things up today before things get more embarrassing. As Young walks away, he looks back while Eun-soo continues to smile. Young is taken into custody by the guards.

Hwa-Eum and their men surround Hyun Go Chon, preparing to attack, but no one is there. Hwasooin touches the teapot to measure its warmth and concludes that the king left in a hurry. Eum-ja and Hwasooin decide to split up the troops to chase after the possible routes that Gongmin and his party took- one to the palace, one to the border, and one into the mountains.

Gongmin and Noguk are riding in a carriage as the Woodalchi escort them. Gongmin looks out worriedly but Noguk smiles at him reassuringly. He holds out his hand to her and she takes it. (Joonni: GongNo gives me such the fuzzies. I love these two so dearly.)

Young is sitting in a cell and Ahn Jae comes to talk to Young. Young wants to know how many loyal men Ahn Jae has underneath him. He tells him that the king is in danger, being chased by around 300-400 of Ki Chul’s men disguised as wild thieves. Ahn Jae explains that he can’t act without orders from his higher-ups so Young reminds him those higher-ups were traitors. Young promises to take care of those men. Ahn Jae agrees to go so Young tells him which way the king is coming and that the king is waiting with Ahn Jae’s promotion. Ahn Jae leaves and Young escapes as the prison door is opened for him.

Dae-man rushes to Choong-suk to tell him that about fifty of Ki Chul’s men are close behind. Gongmin asks if they can keep running away like this. Choong-suk replies that they can’t- they’ll have to set up fort and fight the attackers off. Deok-man, returning back from his scout, reports that there is a hunter’s house in which they can take refuge for now. Choong-suk gravely tells Joo-suk that he can give him only ten men to fight of their tail while Gongmin and Noguk are led to the shelter. Joo-suk and his group bravely accepts the duty.

At the palace, Ki Chul asks Deok Heung for Eun-soo since he doesn’t know when the door to heaven will open. He wants to take her there and just wait. Deok Heung, still stubbornly sitting on the throne, says that Young calculated this all- even if he was captured, Ki Chul and Deok Heung won’t be able to do anything to Eun-soo. Deok Heung asks about the king. Didn’t he say he can’t give Ki Chul Eun-soo until they mourn Gongmin’s death? Ki Chul replies in annoyance that 400 of his men are chasing the king now and Young is imprisoned- “What else do you want?” (Joonni: Oh Ki Chul. You’re obsession with Eun-soo has made you dumb.) Deok Heung, with an unsettling smile, says, “Did I expect to much?”

Ki Chul steps closer to Deok Heung. “There is only one thing I want- the doctor. I was patient with you because you brought her here so don’t ask for more indulgence. It’s getting harder to grant you that.”  Before Ki Chul leaves, he declares that he will come to take Eun-soo away tomorrow.

Lady Choi is keeping her eye out on Deok Heung and she watches as he goes to see Eun-soo. Deok Heung approaches Eun-soo menacingly and corners her. He demands to know what the problem was- if they joined hands, they could have ruled a country together! Eun-soo reminds him that she said he could never become king. Deok Heung, still not believing that Eun-soo is from heaven, asks if it is because her fortune-telling told her that.

Deok Heung tells her his plan to continue with the wedding as Eun-soo reaches for the dagger that Young gave her and pulls it out on Deok Heung. She twists around and holds the dagger to Deok Heung’s neck saying that she learned how to use the dagger well but she only learned up to here. (Joonni: So you weren’t just completely distracted by Young’s glorious face and tall stature just inches away from you??? *clap clap clap*)

Eun-soo pushes Deok Heung away and holds out her sword to him. She orders him to leave but Deok Heung just sits down, still having some questions to ask her. He tells her he couldn’t understand why Young let himself get captured so easily. He also informs her that Young escaped from prison with the help of another soldier. Eun-soo smiles. “I knew it.”

Deok Heung asks Eun-soo to save him. Eun-soo: “You’re crazy.” Deok Heung tells her that Ki Chul keeps asking for her but if he lets her go, he has no more cards to play. He wants Eun-soo to run away to Young. Eun-soo sits down to listen.

Deok Heung reminds her that she was planning to run away from Ki Chul anyway before her lie about heaven and the door was found out. Eun-soo confirms this. Deok Heung asks her to hide for about ten days. Within that time, a message from Yuan will arrive, making him king of Goryeo. Eun-soo replies, “Whatever.” Before Deok Heung leaves, he punctures her forearm. He tells her that she’s been poisoned. She won’t show any particular symptoms but she is going to have to come to him when he calls if she wants to live.

Lady Choi narrates. She sent a fake message from Deok Heung to the generals that were on the list of suspects. Young goes with his Woodalchi to meet those generals that the fake message has gathered. Entering the room with only Dol-bae, Young starts to name the generals there as those who participated in Jo Il-shin’s rebellion, but our forever impatient warrior tosses the scroll away in irritation before he finishes.

Young, mixing in some banmal along with some proper formal language, tells the generals that he is there under the king’s order to arrest them for their crime. One of them asks if Young and Dol-bae can take on all of them. Dol-bae answers the question by knocking out most of the generals by himself. Young holds his sword to the lead general demanding to know if he will go quietly or die right here. The general doesn’t answer so Young tells him to choose quickly- “I’m in a hurry.” The general tries to fight back but Young just knocks him down.

Hwa-Eum catch up to the carriage that Gongmin abandoned. Eum-ja uses his hearing to locate the Woodalchi waiting for them and Ki Chul’s men attack. The Woodlachi fight back hard but during the battle, Joo-suk is slayed, as well the rest of the Woodalchi there. (Joonni: NO! I knew that lingering shot of Joo-suk foreshadowed nothing good.)

Hwa-Eum, thinking that Joo-suk is dead, walk past him but Joo-suk, using the last amount of strength he has, attacks Hwa-Eum. But he is no match for them, alone and injured. They kill him easily and Joo-suk, the loyal and brave warrior, falls among his fellow men.

At the hunter’s house, Gongmin worries about the unit left behind. He confirms that the leader of the unit was Joo-suk and he remembers him as the loyal soldier that delivered the message from Young in the past. He declares to the Woodalchi around him, “I remember him. I remember all of you. You are with me day and night so how could I not remember you?” Noguk touches Gongmin’s arm reassuringly, saying that the Woodalchi will be okay. Gongmin replies, “Young values his men tremendously. He will be heartbroken if anything happens to them.” (Joonni: Oomph. Gongmin…how do you always stab me in my heart with your care and love of Young?)

Dae-man rushes in from his lookout to report that Hwa-Eum are coming. Choong-suk asks Noguk and Gongmin to take off their outer robes. When Gongmin starts to protest, Choong-suk tells him that Young told him to use this as the final measure to bring Gongmin to safety. A Woodalchi and Moogakshi step up to disguise themselves as Gongmin and Noguk. Our royal couple refuses- they can’t let others die for them! Gongmin declares that he will go out to meet the attackers since he is the king. Choong-suk fiercely warns him that if Gongmin does that, he will have to forcibly tie him up. He orders one unit to stay and hold off the attack while the rest escort Gongmin and Noguk away. Gongmin and Noguk stand helplessly as they are disrobed, fearing the safety of their protectors.

Young is waiting with the generals he arrested when their underlings show up to rescue them. Young, crossing his arms, asks impatiently, “Why are you so late?” Young singles out one of them to tell him that the king is promoting him- will he continue to support his leader that rebelled against the king or will he accept a promotion by the king? When the soldier is slow to answer even for a second, Young frowns, still in a hurry to get this all over with. The soldier accept the promotion and Dol-bae hands Young another promotion scroll. Young asks, “How many more? Dol-bae: “Three.” Young:….. (Joonni: So hilarious. Young’s pants are on fire and he soooo just wants to run off to Eun-soo.)

The Woodalchi who were left behind are killed as Gongmin and Noguk are escorted away. Gongmin’s party is finally able to meet up with Ahn Jae and his soldiers who have come to help out. Ahn Jae tells Gongmin that Young sent them and the rest of the Woodalchi look extremely relieved.

Young is at the palace ordering his soldiers to be on guard when he gets the report that Gongmin is safe. Young immediately starts heading somewhere, slowly at first, but he soon breaks into a run. He rushes over to Eun-soo’s room and Eun-soo stands up happily to see him. He immediately embraces her tightly, gathering his breath from his run. (Joooni: So swoon-worthy!)

Looking at her worriedly, he asks if she is okay. He wants to know what happened- why did Deok Heung just let her out of her room in the palace? Did they make some kind of deal again?! Eun-soo replies that she cried to have him let her go. Young has a hard time believing her but Eun-soo changes the subject, saying, “I came to be with you but instead of saying ‘Welcome,’ you argue and get angry with me.” Young replies, “I was preoccupied all day because I was very worried.”  (Joonni: Be still, my heart. Young is slaying me with all this straightforward expression of how much he loves her.)

Eun-soo smiles at him and asks, “You have to go, right?” Young looks at her blankly- “What?” Eun-soo replies, “I heard the king is coming back safely. You have to go greet him.” Young, with a face that betrays that greeting the king was the last thing on his mind, says, “Ah…yes.”

Young breaks out into a smile- “He’s safe.” Young asks Eun-soo if she will remain here and Eun-soo nods yes. Young: “I will come see you.” Eun-soo tells him to go, that they will talk later- “I just wanted to see you.” Young starts to leave but turns back to look at Eun-soo once more. She smiles brightly for him. (Joonni: Oh, this is becoming a habit! He needs to see her always smile before he leaves. Why does this break my heart?) Once Young is gone, the smile disappears from Eun-soo’s face, much like before.

Hwasooin reports that it wasn’t Gongmin and Noguk that their men killed but others in disguise. Ki Chul wonders where the real king went but he doesn’t care too much right now. All he cares about is bringing Eun-soo from the palace tomorrow.

Eum-ja, looking bored and irritated, asks Ki Chul if he is really planning to go to heaven. Ki Chul doesn’t understand Eum-ja’s lack of enthusiasm. Does he not want to go to heaven too? Ki Chul asks for more men to go with him to heaven but Yang-gak informs him there are not enough that are volunteering to go. Ki Chul also can’t comprehend that these men don’t want to see the heavenly world before they die. Yang-gak looks at Ki Chul worriedly so Ki Chul asks if Yang-gak feels the same as those other men. (Joonni: Ki Chul has officially LOST.HIS.MIND.)

Deok Heung hides Hwata’s belongings underneath the floorboard under the chess table. His eunuch tells him that it seems the king is alive. Deok Heung says that he will run away to Ki Chul’s house. “I will come back soon.”

To stomp out that plan, Young arrives with his men. Deok Heung order his soldiers to capture Young but Young starts to list Deok Heung’s crimes…but yes…once again he can’t care enough about these formalities and just tells Deok Heung that he is going to be arrested to be questioned by the king later. The soldiers that once protected Deok Heung turn on him to arrest him. Deok Heung looks around him and releases a laugh tinged with desperation, fear, and disbelief.

Gongmin and Noguk have returned to the palace and Lady Choi greets Noguk to lead her away. Gongmin, without looking at Young in the eye, simply says, “I’m sorry,” before walking away. Young looks after him curiously. Choong-suk reports that twenty-four Woodalchi, including Joo-suk, died- that’s half of the entire Woodalchi. The other Woodalchi start to cry as Young remembers what he once said to Joo-suk- “If you die because of me…I’m saying this beforehand…I’m sorry.” Young, fighting back the tears, simply says to his men, “You’ve worked hard,” before leaving them.

Jang Bin, examining Eun-soo’s puncture wound, guesses that the poison might be from some kind of insect or parasite, a method he’s seen used by the Japanese. Eun-soo wishes for antibiotics- that could be used at the antidote. Jang Bin informs her that she won’t experience symptoms for about a month but after they show up, she will have only seven days until death. Eun-soo tells him that Deok Heung told her to come to him for the antidote. Jang Bin replies that he doesn’t believe in people who use poison (Joonni: See, Eun-soo! See!!!) Jang Bin offers to try to make the antidote. Eun-soo asks if he really can so Jang Bin replies, “You never know until you try.”

Jang Bin asks if Eun-soo is not going to tell Young about the poison. She replies that she can’t tell him now since he must be feeling awful already. She says to herself, “He said he was going to come but he’s late,” as she looks for Young.

Young has set up a mourning alter in his room for the slain Woodalchi. Gongmin comes in and bows before the alter before saying to Young that he waited all evening for him- “What were you doing here?” Young: “I was just sitting.”

Gongmin wants to properly do the rituals to mourn the death of the Woodalchi that died to protect him and Young treasured. Young: “It was my fault.” Gongmin angrily replies, “Do you want to argue who’s fault this really is?” Young repeats again, “It was my fault.” He explains that he wasn’t where he was supposed to be. “It was like that last time too. I knew about Jo Il-shin’s actions but I didn’t properly take care of it. This time too. I missed out on the right time because I was sitting in a cell. Before, you had to leave the palace and this time my men…died.”

Gongmin sits down. Young turns to him and says, “Once you asked me what the order was.” Gongmin: “I did.” Young says, “Always…’that person’ was first. I don’t know about loyalty to this country, Your Majesty.” Gongmin: “So?” Young: “It is dangerous to have someone who has started to think this way as your Woodalchi captain.” Gongmin: “So?” Young: “I ask that you let me go.”

Gongmin gets up and without looking at Young, orders him to come to the assembly tomorrow to make a decision about Ki Chul and Deok Heung- “For now…just this.” Gongmin leaves and Young bows.

Eun-soo is crossing off dates on her self-made calendar when she notices Young standing there. She says she wants to offer him beer but since she can’t, she offers him tea. Young doesn’t respond so she asks him to sit. Young informs her that Deok Heung is imprisoned now. He explains to her that he didn’t fight the marriage plan (after the initial encounter with Deok Heung) because he was planning to retake the palace anyway. He didn’t know the wedding was going to be pushed up like that.

Eun-soo interrupts Young’s explanation to tell him that Deok Heung told her a message was going to arrive from Yuan within ten days, making him king, and that she should hide till then and not get caught by Ki Chul. Young asks, “So you hide here?” Eun-soo: “If I get caught, you will protect me.”

Eun-soo tells Young that she heard about what happened to the Woodalchi. She also says she knows he holed himself up somewhere till now, sad and upset. Young doesn’t deny it.

Eun-soo holds up the sheets of paper she has been writing on. She tells him that this appeared in a movie and these are heavenly words. She recites them one by one as she flips the pages. She reads the first page, as it is truly written- “It’s okay.”

She reads the second page but it’s different from what she wrote. She says, “Don’t worry” but the page says, “I will be by your side.” She reads the next page as, “Everything will be okay” but the paper actually reads, “Until that day.” She recites the last page- “Right?” but the paper reads, “Can I?” Young smiles and answers, “Yes.” (Joonni: Kill me now.)

Before Young leaves, he asks if Ki Chul knows when the door opens. Eun-soo replies that she told him in two months time but he doesn’t believer her- “He will probably take me there if he sees me.” Young says that he will have to tie up Ki Chul’s legs then. He asks Eun-soo to wait while he takes care of a few things. He wants her to stay here so he can protect her. “And before it’s too late, I will take you there…to the door to heaven.” Young exits, leaving Eun-soo to cry by herself.

Ki Chul comes to see Deok Heung in prison. He asks where “his” doctor is. Deok Heung reminds Ki Chul that there is not much time left until the door to heaven opens. Ki Chul, holding back his annoyance, informs Deok Heung that the message from Yuan will arrive soon. He got the report that the messenger just crossed the border so the letter should be here in at least two to four days.

Deok Heung grimaces and asks Ki Chul if there is any way he can leave the prison- there are no books or badook here. Ki Chul finally loses it and screams, “How?!” He demands to know where all the money he gave him went to buy over the soldiers. How could Deok Heung lose all the soldiers so fast?! Deok Heung, cool as a cumber, replies, “Ah. I was just regretting that. Next time, I will use it more effectively.” Ki Chul, shaking from anger, storms out of the cell.

Noguk tells Lady Choi that Gongmin hasn’t been able to sleep. “We shouldn’t have come back. He slept so well in Hyun Go Chon. I hate this palace.” Noguk goes to see Gonngmin, who is staring pensively at his throne in the royal court. Noguk announces that she came to escort him to the bedroom. Gongmin replies that he still has some things to think over. Noguk asks for him to give those thoughts to her so he can sleep.

Gongmin tells her that tomorrow he will make an important decision tomorrow but he will also have to pay a huge price. “My citizens might have to shed blood again because of me. Like the Woodalchi that died this time.” Noguk states, “You’re planning to fight Yuan.” Gongmin: “It’s your country.” Noguk: “It was my country.” Gongmin: “Then is Goryeo your country now?” Noguk replies that it’s not important to her what her country is. “I am satisfied as long as it is the place where my husband can sleep peacefully.” Gongmin smiles and says that Noguk is saying something similar to Young. “He also said this- that he will go where his heart goes.”

Young and Ki Chul run into each other the next day. They silently acknowledge each other and walk away. Young orders Dol-bae to make sure that the Suribang are following around Ki Chul. He also orders to find and kill the messenger that is coming from Yuan.

Young and Gongmin join the assembly. Gongmin announces that he has already taken care of the punishment and replacement of the traitors. He also announces that he has started investigating the Chung Myun Suh Won that Ki Chul had set up inside the palace. Gongmin says he got reports that instead of being used for the country, most of the taxes given the citizens were going into Ki Chul’s house through the Chung Myun Suh Won. He asks the statesmen to go through the tax records.

Gongmin moves on to the third order of business. He tells the statesmen he was attacked by thieves on the way back to the palace. Ahn Jae reports that they were able to catch about twenty of them and they confessed to being Ki Chul’s men. Ki Chul looks up in surprise. Gongmin asks if Ki Chul has anything to say. Ki Chul, feigning ignorance, says “My men pretended to be thieves? This is the first time I have heard of such a thing. I will go back home and immediately find out if there were more and send them to you to be punished.”

Young informs Ki Chul that he doesn’t need worry about that. They have already blocked off all roads to Ki Chul’s house and started to capture his men one by one. Gongmin announces that Ki Chul will be under house arrest until the investigation is over. Ki Chul looks at Gongmin in disbelief. “You are going to lock me up in my house?” Gongmin: “Would you like to stay in prison then?” Ki Chul starts to yell, “You can’t do this! I have somewhere to go,” but Young and his men stop him from reacting any further.

Eun-soo’s hair is a mess once more as she tries to see if there are any hidden messages in her diary pages. She ruffles her hair again and leans back on her chair in frustration. She almost falls over except Young catches her and props up the chair. He tells her to continue with what she is doing and casually sits down by window, propping up his legs and taking out a book. Eun-soo looks at him and gasps to see that his feet are near her antidote samples so she quickly pulls his legs off. She peers at Young and asks, “You know how to read?” He replies dryly, “I know how to read.”

Eun-soo asks him what he is doing here and smiles when he replies that he came to protect her. He tells her that Ki Chul is very upset right now so if he finds out where Eun-soo is, he doesn’t know what Ki Chul might do. She says, “Because I might be dragged out again? You can just come and rescue me again.” Young looks up at her curiously and Eun-soo smiles at him.

Eun-soo explains to Young that she made a bet with Jang Bin to see who can come up with antidotes faster. She starts to explain the particularities of each sample but Young just stares at her messy hair. He interrupts her to lead her in front of a mirror. He points to her hair and asks her to do something about it. When Eun-soo puts up her arm to straighten her hair, Young notices the bandage and asks worriedly what happened. Eun-soo tries to pull away but Young unwraps the bandage and sees the infection. He comments that he’s seen this wound before used by the Japanese.

Young’s eyes widen as he looks at the antidote samples she was showing him before and asks her if she is making the antidote for this poison now. Eun-soo silently nods. Young demands to know who poisoned her- “Was it Deok Heung? Did he let you go, Imja, after he did this to you?” Eun-soo starts to explain that it happened so suddenly but Young yells at her, “Why?!” More quietly, he continues, “Why didn’t you tell me?” Eun-soo replies that the poison isn’t going to hurt her immediately and they are trying to make the antidote now.

Young: “Am I still that far away? To the extent that you don’t even need to tell me this?  Am I still that far away?” Eun-soo: “Because you get mad like this…” Young: “Don’t you know why I am angry?”

Eun-soo replies, “What else am I going to make you hear if you go running to him again? Last time he made you steal the royal seal. What will he make you do this time? I know how many times, because of me, you had to bow your head and get caught. You shouldn’t have to do that.”

Young lets go of Eun-soo’s arm. “So is that why you stay so far away?”  Young starts to leave but Eun-soo asks him to wait as she runs to him and hugs him from the back. She asks him to not look back and just listen. “I will ask you one thing. Should I not leave? Can I stay?” Young tries to turn back but Eun-soo holds him hard. “Can’t I do that?”

Young: “How can you say that even though you were poisoned?” Eun-soo: “Then I will ask you this. For the remaining days, every day, I will love you as much as I want, so can you forget me later on? No matter what…don’t live rashly or just sleep all the time. Can you forget it all?” Young: “You want me to forget?” Eun-soo, crying in his back, begs, “Promise you will do that.” Tears start to well up slowly in Young’s eyes.

Shi-wool and Ji-ho are inspecting a seemingly empty carriage but a hand comes out to choke Ji-ho. Thankfully, Shi-wool saves him and the two run away. (Joonni: Oooh, a new scary bad.)

Ki Chul paces inside his room as Yang-gak reports that the royal army is surrounding the house. Ki Chul starts to lose it, throwing things in his room. He orders Hwa-Eum to go bring Deok Heung immediately. He wants them to bring him back alive. “I will be the one to kill him.” Ki Chul gives a final feral scream of anger as he bangs on the table.

Young comes to see Deok Heung in prison but Deok Heung is not there. The guards tell him that the king has called out Deok Heung.

Deok Heung bows to Gongmin and asks if he had a good trip. Gongmin glares at him silently. Deok Heung says he tried to do his best while Gongmin wasn’t here but the time was too short. Deok Heung approaches closer so Choong-suk steps up to block him. Gongmin allows Deok Heung to approach.

Gongmin says to Deok Heung that he heard about him when he was younger. They said Doek Heung was exceptionally bright. He knows both the Western and Japanese languages and he is an expert in military strategies. Gongmin says, “Since you are so great, I will ask you one thing.” Deok Heung asks, “If you like my answer, will you even give up your throne to me?” Gongmin replies, “I can.”

Gongmin asks, “Do you have something more important to you than this country?” Deok Heung replies, “Yes. Myself.” Gongmin laughs and says, “Good.” Deok Heung wonders if Gongmin liked the answer and Gongmin replies, “Yes because I think I will be a better king than you.” Gongmin orders Choong-suk to lead Deok Heung out of the palace.

Before Deok Heung can leave, however, Young barges in and asks Gongmin if he can interrogate Deok Heung right now. When Gongmin replies no, Young informs him that Deok Heung poisoned Eun-soo again. Gongmin asks for confirmation from Deok Heung but Deok Heung denies it.

Before Young can hurt Deok Heung, Gongmin explains to Young that he has a reason for letting Deok Heung go. Young allows Deok Heung to leave and asks Gongmin what that reason is. Gongmin informs Young that a message from Yuan came. The Yuan envoy is in the capital right now, carrying a message that states that Yuan supports Deok Heung as the Goryeo king. “If we harm Deok Heung now, it will become a reason to start a war. So…” Gongmin can’t finish his sentence as he looks at Young who has been listening silently all this while. Young finally lifts up his head and says, “I understand,” bows, and leaves. Gongmin closes his eyes in frustration.

The Suribangs try to find out what is in the carriage but they are almost killed again. They worry if they should report to Young. But Ji-ho adds that Young told them to find the envoy- shouldn’t the envoy party be larger? Shi-wool still finds that carriage suspicious.

Ahn Jae and his men hold off Hwa-Eum in the palace. Hwasooin says, “We’re just going in for a while. Why aren’t you letting us in like you use to?” (Joonni: Because there finally doing their frickin’ job!!!) Eum-ja prepares to use his flute but he sees Deok Heung and starts to chase after him. Deok Heung is trying to leave the palace with some soldiers escorting him but a man in black attacks the soldiers and grabs Deok Heung away. Someone in a similar attire is driving the carriage that the Suribang were following. Another one of those men leaves a letter on the table at the medical ward. One of the assistants sees it and gives it to Young.

Young brings the letter to Eun-soo and tells her someone suspicious brought it. Eun-soo asks Young to read it to her since she is weak in hanja. She jokes, “If it is a love letter, you have the write the response for me.” Young reads the letter and his face hardens. Eun-soo asks what is wrong. Young says, “Imja. I think we have to run away. Yuan’s envoy wants you so he can take you to Yuan.”

Softy’s comments:

I dont know where he learned to hug like this, but every time he does – it’s decisive and emotional. he clings like a kid holding tight to what’s precious to him. he makes every hug seem like it will be the last and gets the most out of it. You can just tell the more he does this, there is no way he is letting her go later or at least – he wont let her go alone.

In this scene, when Young repeats G’s question about what is the order (of importance) to him. the minute Young said “that person always came first,” I got chills. He seemed so brave saying it aloud. It’s like the most beautiful honest way of saying she means more to him than anything.  Young is a pretty simple guy -he speaks and acts from the heart so I bet G understood very clearly just how deeply Young is in love at this point.

Written before it aired: I think my mindset towards a drama is too simple. I take everything at face value. As long as scenes move along and entertain me to the extent that I don’t even notice its faults, I consider that a great episode. If I happen to be on the edge of my seat with one eye on the clock cuz I am nervous about the time running out, that means I am so into that drama that I am beyond help. You should have seen me last night – I was one crazed recapper. The minute it ended, I couldn’t hit update fast enough. While I was waiting for the torrent to download, I felt so proud of this cast and this drama. I knew Faith had what it took to become a hit online even if it was struggling in the ratings. I have a sixth sense about dramas early on and I just knew from the first episode this show would be a runaway hit. Every subsequent episode just proved my initial premonition about Faith was 100% warranted. I was lucky to witness and participate in a lot of great drama moments of shared exhilaration where the fans came together and just relished in those last few episodes and squeezed all the love out of it (in a good way). Speaking from experience, this is the best way to enjoy a drama – as a collective group cheering on their favorite couples or bromance. So even though I was too busy translating last night, trust me the fan girl inside was squealing along with all of you.

Joonni’s comments:

First, I want to thank everyone for their comments and replies, especially the letters left in the post, “The Evolution of Young and Eun-soo’s Relationship.” I teared up reading them because it is a community like this that makes me love a drama more and I love to read good writing and because you guys wrote with so much heart and love, I thought my own heart was going to burst.

There was so much to love this episode but let me start off with the things I had problems with. I don’t know if it is a problem with the execution or the writing but I had a hard time buying that the kiss stopped the wedding because I figured, considering Ki Chul and Deok Heung’s character, they won’t let a kiss stop them. I wonder if my subdued enthusiasm for the way Young solved this problem is due to my lack of understanding of Goryeo culture and what a public kiss like that means. It just seemed to me to be very anti-climatic the way Young simply said, “This is why this wedding can’t happen.” I think it would have been better if he said nothing at all and let others react around him. You see, I thought the kiss was a good idea during the previous episode because I figured it was more of an instinctive reaction from Young. But with Young so clearly stating why he kissed her, it lost some of that raw emotion I was expecting from him. I am aware that my reception of this scene may be partly due to my personal interpretation and desire but I still think that if the writer had shown the statesmen and/or priests protesting a little more, I would have found it easier to believe the power of the kiss in the context of Goryeo culture.

As I had said before, the directing doesn’t match the writing level so while I find the dialogue and small moments incredibly poignant, it doesn’t hit me as hard when the director is trying to visually create the emotion such as when Joo-suk was dying. It wasn’t bad but it wasn’t as powerful as it could have been. The concept of his death is great and I love it at this point in the story but the visual doesn’t live up to the concept.

I found Ki Chul and his portrayal by Yoo Oh-sung a little jarring today. Sometimes his expressions are too funny and ridiculous and I have a hard time finding him dangerous at all, and I think he is still supposed to be dangerous instead of simply being obsessed with Eun-soo. I think Yoo Oh-sung could do a better job at layering the madness taking over Ki Chul, instead of going back and forth so jarringly from being comical to being angry.

As for the things I loved…I don’t think I say enough about Gongmin and Noguk. I absolutely adore these two and how open they are with each other and how much of a partnership they are creating. I think Noguk’s love of Gongmin can equal Eun-soo’s love of Young and I find Noguk incredibly radiant, strong, and utterly beautiful every time she is on screen. By standing next to her, Gongmin glows too, as if her light and warmth is enveloping him.

Gongmin and Young- these two. Guh! Gongmin’s love of Young breaks my heart. How many times can different characters in a drama break your heart? I think “Faith” is setting a record with me. I swear, my heart is in pieces right now. I had a few favorite scenes today and the scene when Gongmin and Young are talking in his room is one of them. Gongmin, aside from his own personal mourning, mourns doubly for Young, feeling like he caused more pain for him. Gongmin feels incredibly indebted and guilty towards Young because he cannot let Young go and keeps burdening him with more things to do. But I can’t be angry at Gongmin- he knows he is king first and foremost and that he needs Young in order to protect the country and his people. I think Young also understands that and thankfully he was always able to save Gongmin despite, as he confessed, he always thought of Eun-soo first.

How gratifying was that confession, guys? To hear directly from Young exactly how he has felt about her all this time and where she placed in his heart. This warrior’s love continues to astound and amaze me. How deep exactly is his heart and how heavy are his shoulders? I am tearing up right now as I type this just thinking about Young and what choices he had to make all throughout this drama.

Another one of my favorite scenes is when Young runs to Eun-soo and this is the type of directing I can go along with. Edit: On rewatch, no, the directing fails again. The shots should have been longer! Although we find out later more directly where Eun-soo places in his heart, we can tell from this scene in action (so much kudos to the writer for coming up with it) where Young’s heart is directed towards, always. The first thing he does is run to Eun-soo as soon as he hears that Gongmin is safe. All that waiting and impatience finally breaks lose, propelling him faster and faster to Eun-soo. And I die from all that emotion just in his footsteps. (Ah, yes, a nice close up of his feet would have been good too.)

Finally, the new development of Yuan entering the picture. It makes sense since the larger enemy was always Yuan. Fighting Yuan has always been the final goal politically and I am interested to know what role Eun-soo will play. But it did feel a little repetitive to have Yuan wanting Eun-soo too but I understand that writer is doing this to weave Eun-soo into this larger conflict.

So yes, we wait another week. Good god, a week! Countdown starts now. How many times will I rewatch these episodes???

485 Comments Post a comment
  1. Sunshine #

    Since Classy and Pam Lee mentioned the excruciating wait let’s pass the time…dang Monday feels far away.

    This will be our Joonni fangirls “MT” time (for those who need the reference-end of ep 14 Eun Soo was confessing that she was going to miss Young while during the “Membership Training” Truth game)

    You can pick from below… (or feel free to answer all three)

    1.Tell us the lengths you’ve gone to to feed your Faith addiction

    2.What have you given up, or put to the wayside so you can feed your Faith addiction… which of course includes visiting JOonni’s throughout the day.
    (on the big Kiss day, I don’t think any of us got hardly anything done)

    3. Do you feel like you learn something valuable from the Faith characters(that we all love so dearly) and the story to apply to real life?

    Ok, this should be fun and interesting. I’m already laughing because I know the Joonni Faith crack addicts…

    October 10, 2012
    • Conjie008 #

      Been losing a lot of sleep, I that have smile grin 🙂 just thinking of that last episode or the back hug!! My phone keeps beeping for all the up dates & email comments!

      October 10, 2012
      • Sunshine #

        I’m sure it is beeping non stop.:)

        P.s. losing sleep seems to come witn kdrama territory. Heehee.

        October 10, 2012
    • Jungah #

      Great idea!
      Searched for images online
      Searched for news online
      I have watched multiple fanmade music videos
      I listen to the episodes during the week as I wait for Monday to come around.
      And now, I am always on Joonni. Thanks, girls. Lol.

      Efficiency at work
      The new fall season of some of my favorite shows

      3. Do you feel like you learn something valuable from the Faith characters (that we all love so dearly) and the story to apply to real life?
      Live life fully.
      Respect is very important in building a strong relationship.
      Faith is both hard to earn and hard to keep. Argh.
      And please, no miscommunications in any relationships. They just screw things up further.

      October 10, 2012
      • Sunshine #

        It is nice to read other peoples thoughts on what this drama is compelling everyone to do. I have pretty much stopped watching American tv shows, and rely on kdramas and Netflix these days.

        Loved your answers to #3. Seriously <3.

        October 10, 2012
      • pam lee #

        Jungah, I’ve missed out on a lot fall shows too. I used to be a Bravo TV reality junkie but now I am stalking kdramas..Faith big time and other kdramas that I just can’t get into because I am obsessed with our Imja couple. Thanks for sharing your list…I liked your #3 too.

        October 10, 2012
        • Jungah #

          I also can’t get into other k-dramas because of Faith, which is a rarity because I usually watch multiple dramas at once. But not this time around, and as you said, it’s because I am obsessed with our Imja couple. Walking Dead season premiere is happening this weekend, and I didn’t know about it until yesterday, and it’s one of my favorite shows! But I’m not even excited. All I can think is, Monday is after Sunday. Lol!

          October 11, 2012
          • pam lee #

            OMO!!! I love the Walking Dead too but I’m not nearly excited as I should be. Even with last season’s huge cliff hanger and Rick announcing his dictatorship, “…this isn’t a democracy anymore” I’m still like “eh”. Can we talk about our Korean-American hottie, Steven Yeun? Gah, he’s cute and has the voice of an angel (youtube). Okay, I will be excited to see him at least. He and Maggie can be our OTP, at least for Sunday nights 🙂

            October 11, 2012
            • Jungah #

              I do like Steven Yeun, but did not know he could sing! I will now have to youtube him and listen to his voice. I love men with nice voices! And ok, he and Maggie can be our OTP (thank goodness I now know what this means!), but like you said, just for Sunday nights. =)

              October 11, 2012
    • Iluvlee #

      Am a certified Faith addict. ( I have never stalk anyone drama. PERIOD! I just watch them and if I like it I say I like it in a comment and move on, if I didn’t I just keep quiet and also move on but Faith was the game changer for me) How I know…

      1. I constantly visit Joonni ‘s like nobody’s business ( seriouslyI I’ve bookmark this page but am thinking I should make it my homepage…Yes I visit it that much)
      >I search everywhere hoping to find Fan made videos.
      >Sign up on Vingle just to cast my vote for Faith and visit it so often hoping that Faith is in the lead ( FYI I don’t like signing up on random sites but as I said Faith was the game changer)
      >Re-watched the episodes so often I know their lines ( plz don’t judge :))

      2. I have given up:
      >Going out so often ( plz I just want to stay locked up in my room and watch Faith then talk about it with my pledge sisters so go without me this time :))
      >Studying as taken a step back on my list of priorities with Faith taking it’s place ( I’ll be reading and then realized I had no Idea what I just read becaz my mind was still on Faith, So I just put the book a side and be like “I’ll just take a little peek at whats going on at Joonni’s and then back to studying” then later look at the time… hell I was here that long :D)
      >getting adequate sleep I’ll be doing all things Faith until late at night and early in the morning.

      3. I’ve learnt that:
      > LMH and KHS are damn good actors to make me feel so connected to their characters to the point were my heart just aches for them to get tru all their battles and end up together happily ever after.
      >Love can happen in the most unexpected places and time and to have the love of some one is a blessing in itself( with CY and ES it was always about GIVING to each other and never TAKING they both selflessly sacrifice themselves for the other without complaint or regret. and manage to have groomed each other into person’s one can’t help but admire. It takes real love to do that )

      October 10, 2012
      • Sunshine #

        Don’t fight it, Luvlee. Just add her to your homescreen. Joonni was added to my ipad’s homescreen weeeeeeeeks ago. I’m thinking of composing a spoof Faith fangirl song. Seriously. Hahaha.

        October 10, 2012
      • Iluvlee #

        I forget to mentioned that because of Faith I now know how quickly I can get chores done normally I take my time and just lazy on tru it but now I quickly run tru it to have more time for Faith and I smile more often now when I think about our “Imja Couple” If you saw me you’d think a was crazy

        October 10, 2012
    • joonni #

      Great idea Sunshine! And I love reading everyone’s answers. I love you guys!

      1. Hmm…recapping, reading people’s comments, coming up with new posts for this website basically takes up all the free time I have.
      2. I have given up sleep and rest for my shoulders and wrists.
      3. Generally, I love Korean dramas and their take on love because they try so hard to show the great power of love. I used to believe that love could conquer all when I was younger but now I don’t because real life has taught me hard lessons. But what kdramas remind me is there there is still a power and goodness to love, so instead of taking that lesson of love conquers all so generally, I think of it more as a journey that people take to allow love to take first place in their lives. And Faith is doing a great job doing that.

      October 12, 2012
  2. Iluvlee #

    You know what would be a great ending for me…
    CY brings ES to the portal they give us this intense emotional goodbye.
    After she’s gone, CY’s dreading that he will never see her again so he breaks down and starts crying ( along with us fangirls) to the point where he can’t muster up the strength to walk so he just falls to the ground and just let his tears flow.
    Then suddenly we see ES appears and she slowly walks up to him kneels and then places her arms around him( in back hug) and says ” Did you really believe I could leave my heart here” and they get all mushy with her telling him she’d rather give up everything in her world than to live one second without him…( I know… I know it’s cheesy and all but I just refuse to picture a sad ending for these too

    If you think of it, CY’s heart has been tru so much in the past because of love and loyalty,and has lost everyone he has ever came to care about ( except Lady Choi God bless her for caring about him) it wud be too cruel to make him go tru so much pain again… We know for a fact that if ES leaves, with her she’ll be taking his heart. So he”ll wind up being like a walking corpse all over again, which ES herself knows which is why she asked him to promise he won’t return to being that way.
    And ES who has had her heart locked away for years, not being able to let anyone in because it was waiting for CY ” that person,’ who had the key all along and no one else ( what can I say the heart wants what the heart wants even if it’s hundreds of years away) could she really return to her life knowing she will never experience that kind of love again? I mean apart from her missing her parents and they her, what wud she be going back to seeing how she has changed so much . I think she’s needed most in Goryeo and shud stay not only for CY but all so for my peace of mind.

    ” Love knows not what time is”

    October 10, 2012
    • I loved your comments in CY & ES situation . That is so very true, depending on the writers main ideal of ending. This is the height of the drama, I’m hoping theres no disappointment at the end. But, I like your ending! I’m still bracing for a totally different ending!!

      October 10, 2012
    • Sunshine #

      Just your read your scenario…I love reading everyones theories on how it is all going to go down. That wasn’t cheesy, it was really, really sweet.

      I know that she told him to promise to forget her, but the reality of the matter is you would never, ever, ever, (I wish I could underline it!) forget a love like that. Especially all the sacrifices the two have made for each other.

      October 10, 2012
  3. pam lee #

    Hi, my name is Pam. I am a Faith crack addict. I wouldn’t say I’m recovering yet because I haven’t stopped using Faith crack 🙂

    1. Lengths I’ve gone to feed Faith addiction: Bully my friends and family to watch Faith so I have someone to fangirl with (bribe them with a Faith finale viewing party, sushi and sake bombs included)
    2. What I’ve neglected for Faith: my homework, work-work, housework, husband (he thinks I’m cheating with some named Lee Min Ho)
    3. What I’ve learned: To love with all my heart despite the consequences like Eun Soo. To be brave enough to give love a second chance like Young. To be courageous and kick-ass like Lady Choi.

    Thanks, Sunshine! This was fun! Let’s see what others have to say!!! Gah!

    October 10, 2012
    • Sunshine #

      hahahahah. I knew were going to make me LOL. *Goes around to the next person in the room*; “Hi, I’m Sunshine,” *she has a huge smile plastered on her face, either from lack of sleep, reviewing nonstop Faith related everything, the fangirls, or a combination of them all*, (proudly, and enthusiastically), “and I am a Faith addict!” 🙂

      You really have some powers of persuasion to get the whole bunc Faithed out! (The bribing mentioned sounds deeelicious.)

      October 10, 2012
    • Classy #

      @ pam


      October 10, 2012
  4. Sussie #

    @Sunshine, what funny idea! LOL This will be very interesting!
    How do I start… mmm Let me see…

    Eager all day long for new images, news, comments, MVs
    Daydreaming about CY/ LMH smile, eyes and beautiful deep voice LOL
    Visiting Joonni site 24/7 hahaha

    Less productivity/ efficiency at work (if someone at my office looks at my history bar… a lot of sites “not related to work” will come out hahaha).
    Less sleep time (since I stay night in my daily search for new info, images, videos, etc… and of course visiting Joonni site and reading all of your comments LOL)
    Housework (In “Kiss day” I even either bother to do the minimum…)
    Husband (shame on me… but what can I do…I suffer from some illness called “Faith addiction” LOL)
    @Pam Lee… My husband thinks that I have been drag into craziness with LMH since he sees me every night looking for photos of LMH /CY, rewatching scenes, sighing a lot because of him, and laughing alone in front of my phone/ computer (like a teenager in love) LOL. But thks God I have a wonderful and patient husband so he only laughs and tease… hahaha

    ALWAYS smile at your love one
    Follow your heart.
    Be “the man in pants” LOL
    Don´t rush to conclusions… maybe there is a reason hidden. So, listen careful between the lines.

    October 10, 2012
    • Sunshine #

      ROFL. Your #2… Back to rofl. So funny. Otoke. LMH is just dreamy (and yes, second to his height and good looks, I am in love with his voice)

      October 10, 2012
      • Sussie #

        “LMH is just dreamy” sure he is!! LOL

        October 10, 2012
    • pam lee #

      Susie, poor husbands/boyfriends worldwide are bemoaning the fact that their wives/girlfriends have run off with Lee Min Ho to kdramaland to never return…haha. Glad I’m not the only Faith addict around 🙂

      October 10, 2012
  5. Mayra #

    OMG Pam Lee, you made me laugh so much hahaha I guess I am a crack addict too because I have tried all of the above.

    I read what you posted of what you thought the worst case scenario could be…so tragic!!! I really hope you’re 100% wrong with that… I really really really want this couple to be happy in the end. They deserve it.

    October 10, 2012
    • pam lee #

      Oh, Mayra, I hope I my worst case scenario is 100% wrong too! Glad my faith addict list could make you chuckle. We need laughter after the gravity of episode 18.

      October 10, 2012
  6. Mayra #

    I meant I am a FAITH crack addict hahahahaha I am not a crack addict , gotta clear that up LOL

    October 10, 2012
    • Sunshine #

      Goodness Girls. We need tshirts made on Etsy that say, “Part of Joonni’s Faith posse of addicts”. Hahahahah

      October 10, 2012
      • pam lee #

        Sunshine, if you could pick one Faith character to be on your t-shirt, who would it be? I think mine would be Ki Chul or Lady Choi. Ki Chul is hilarious as Mr. Expressions as someone on Viki put it and Lady Choi is just badazz (that’s probably where Young gets it from)… Wait, I changed my mind; I would like plastered on my t-shirt all the Woodalchi boys, including their fearless leader CY, topless. Yes, fanservice, baby! 🙂

        October 10, 2012
        • arisahanari #

          I wonder if you can walk around with those woodalchi’s abs plastered on the t-shirt without getting caught for being such a perv. I seriously would love wearing that in uni muahahaha

          October 10, 2012
          • pam lee #

            LOL! I would probably only wear inside my house, for privacy sake! Or when I am watching Faith reruns..ahahaha.

            October 10, 2012
        • Sunshine #

          Oh my goodness. Hahahaha. I left for a few hours, and came back and saw you comment. Lady CHoi, or the princess would be mine. Hmmmmm, but the WoodLchi boys and leader sound good as well. They would look good on a soft Pink shirt, don’t you think? 🙂

          October 10, 2012
      • joonni #

        How about Joonni’s Faithfuls?. Ugh, that is so cheesy. My fingers are curling up and I’m dying laughing at my own cheesiness. Ugh, I need sleep.

        October 12, 2012
        • Sunshine #

          Hahaha. Joonni’s Faithfuls? Heehee. We seriously are, aren’t we? You said this thread had 454 comments? Yippee. 🙂

          I love the Joonni’s Faith crack addicts but I’m afraid that would totally be misunderstood if we put it on a tshirt. I’m actually starting to like it Joonni’s Faithfuls…which face would you put on yours?

          October 12, 2012
          • joonni #

            That’s so hard to choose…Can I be greedy and get Noguk, Gongmin, Young, and Eun-soo?

            October 12, 2012
  7. chikoku83 #

    Hi joonni and softy, and all pledged sisters here..
    My first comment in a blog/site ever. Its very warm and full histeria here..LOL.. So glad, that i am not the only one, who got Faith illness. Poor my hubby, his wife getting sucked too deep in this faith illness, and he thinks no cure for that. ROFL

    I just really hope a happy ending, who dont want that. But, the fortune teller said in the first episode always haunted me. “You’ll be gone for a year”. In my opinion, despite what had happened in Goryeo, she will back to the present time for sure. And what make me more scary, is the fact that this drama is airing in around Chuseok time in Korea.

    Is this What is the story of the shepherd and weaver girl in a new style, which met once a year ? Altair+Vega or Niulang+Zhinu or Hikoboshi+Orihime which only met once a year in the mid of autum, And if you notice, there are a alot of scene involeve the displaying of a bridge. Is it a milky way bridge ? Where Altair and vega met every year ?

    Please calm my heart, that all of those scenario above will not really happen. it will broke our heart into pieces. T_T. If this one ended badly, maybe i’ll stop watch saeguk drama again

    October 10, 2012
    • Sunshine #

      Oooo, chikoku83, I totally forgot about the 1 year thing. 😦
      Maybe she’ll come back after the year, but go back after saying by to her Mom and Dad.

      October 10, 2012
      • Sussie #

        My theory: she will come back to get her antibiotic (to cure her from poison). She says goodbye to her parents … and then go back to Goryeo Time with CY before the door is closed! 😀

        October 10, 2012
      • chikoku83 #

        I Hope you right !! Really hope so..

        ARRRGH the scipt above drive me cray

        October 10, 2012
    • joonni #

      There’s a Korean version of that story too, Gyun-woo and Jik-nyeo. And that fairytale is so sad, I would die if that is where this drama is heading.

      October 12, 2012
  8. OMG…this site will be the death of me. All you girls are hysterical. Hanging out here till the end of Faith will have me riding in an ambulance to the looney bin….hahaha. My hubby already told me that he will send me off for Faith rehab at the end of Oct. I told him that I already signed up for rehab at Scattered Jooni’s in advance!!!

    Hubby complained that i have a bad habit of thinking of nothing but ‘Faith’ and asking him if MOnday’s here yet. That reminded me of all of CY’s habit in this awesome drama.

    Hmm…I believe our General has chuck ‘sleeping’ out the window and have taken up new habits. (Am I missing any?)

    – Huff and Puff sighing over the things Imja does that he doesn’t approve

    – yelling and being angry at Imja cuz he worries

    – grabbing Imja’s hand to drag her off somewhere

    – staring at Imja

    – looking back to see Imja smile before he leaves

    – running (instead of walking) to save Imja

    – hugging Imja

    – kissing Imja

    Is Monday here yet?

    Thanks for the laugh girls!!!

    October 10, 2012
  9. Oh and …Hi. My name is Gukja. I am a full pledged Faith Imja Crack Addict!!!!

    October 10, 2012
    • Sunshine #

      Yay! Another Faith addict. 🙂

      October 10, 2012
  10. Classy #

    [*HUGS*] @ sunshine…

    Lets see.. um..

    1. To feed the my ever un fulfilling addiction.
    I googled about the drama, I googled about the actors and now i have lined up in my to watch list a series of dramas and the list has gotten bigger than my shopping list..
    I went on to even google about “faith” the meaning of it and also since i am a history luving buff. I learned to read all i could on Goryeo, GOngmin and very other character I could learn of..

    2. neglected studying for certain exam that are due..
    COme on i could barely concentrate with all that pumping action going on..
    Neglected sleep and Work,..even at office i am sitting with Joonni’s blog..
    Never mind mentioning about the Kiss Day…
    This blog was open constantly..Its sad i cant comment from office..
    But in a way thats good too else.. Welll i think you get the picture ..

    The most important thing i learnt from faith is that “running away” is always the WORST option,lo.

    Ok on a serious note, From Gongmin and Noguk i learned how its possible to throw away your pride and live in content with the strength of the someone next to you..

    and how with time scars do fade..
    and the last yet the most important one..
    GIve LOVE a chance..

    I am someone who sadly hasnt been in love with anything on anyone till now and for me loving someone means a very different context than others .
    SO yeah ES and CY along with the ROYAL OTP..have somehow given me a picture as to how to open your heart..

    Which i hope works!!.

    and Sunshine..
    Thanks for the wonderful idea..
    YOu rock babe!!

    October 10, 2012
    • Sunshine #

      Awww, Classy, thanks for the hugs. 🙂 Paying them forward to Joonni, for giving us a place to have so much fun. ;D

      “Scars do fade” seemed so beautifully poetic. Scars to the heart take a really, really long time to heal..and healing doesn’t mean they are gone, because they will always be there, but they do fade.

      October 10, 2012
      • Classy #

        Wise words.!! Sunshine..

        October 11, 2012
    • pam lee #

      Uh-huh, Classy, you’ve definitely got Faith fever–BAD. Lol! And congrats on your relationship! Everyone deserves to find true love. Let’s just hope our Imja couple gets the happy ending their poor tortured souls deserve.

      October 10, 2012
      • Classy #

        ME?? and Faith fever??
        Pam i dont think you have the right to blame me here..
        Considering tat Its allowed for me to drool and swoon as i am single..
        But you are CHEATING on ur husband here..:)

        anyways here is to our imja couple..[cheers]..
        Hope you have atleast some great OTP moments and also give us some great fan service..[*wink*]

        October 11, 2012
        • pam lee #

          I fear for my husband, Classy! If it were an alternate universe and LMH wanted me (I did say alternate universe)…who in their right mind would turn him down? Unless he has a foul personality which I can’t believe because he seems so sweet. Ha-ha.

          October 11, 2012
          • Classy #

            I do really pity your hubby..cause in case if an alternate universe, saying no LMH who by chance is in his choi young glory is a very very difficult thing to do, close to impossible..
            Btw has ur husband, by chance read any of your comments??

            October 11, 2012
            • pam lee #

              My husband laughs at me because I have LMH as my on my laptop’s background. He knows I am only crazy fangirling. My married friends and I crush on LMH as a joke to pass by our boring lives as proper married women 🙂 It’s great escapism and provides a lot of laughs.

              October 11, 2012
              • Classy #

                HaHa,, thats really really cool..
                Sadly i am fan-girling alone here..But its good i got to meet equal addicts like you and sunshine via joonni, else all this faith madness would have had me a total wreck..

                October 11, 2012
              • pam lee #

                *Hugs Don’t worry, I got your back and we’ll be a wreck right along beside you. I have a feeling the Faith roller coaster for the next 6 episodes isn’t going to be easy 😦 So let’s hold on tight.

                October 11, 2012
              • Classy #

                Aww…Thank you.[*back Hug*].
                I am already dreading next 3 weeks…The mere idea of it gives me jitters..

                Faith got me hook line and sinker..
                I cant believe that i am writing about it weekly..

                October 11, 2012
  11. Hanna #

    I agree with you, chikoku83, the drama may end this way – they’ll met once a year on a full mooon day. Note that the drama will actually have its last episode on the full moon day as well.

    October 10, 2012
    • chikoku83 #

      Can we bear such ending ? Not happy end, but not sad end, too.. Faith drive me crazy. I want them together, stay together, as reward for all the hard things they have going through..

      To writer-nim…
      Please. make a good ending for us. This is a fantasy after all, why you dont make our fantasy come to alive. You dont need sad ending to make us remember this drama. Trust me, with happy ending, this drama will make HUGE hits..

      October 10, 2012
      • Hanna #

        “Earnestness/longing heart creates a link/connection.
        Only recollection/memories will make that moment come true.”

        One possible ending is ES did leave Goreyo but they meet on a following full moon (that is why ‘that moment come true’)

        October 10, 2012
        • chikoku83 #

          You give me a Snap, Hanna. Yes, The written make senses to the Chuseok thing. Full moon(the portal will open in full moon too), bridge (where they meet a lot), longing heart, deep love, sacrifice.. All those thing make me thinking that possible ending..

          So..this is the new version of Altair+Vega or Niulang+Zhinu or Hikoboshi+Orihime which only met once a year in the mid of autum ?


          October 10, 2012
  12. Iluvlee #

    Viki commenters are SERIOUS… LMAO… One commented that he predicted that she will return to her time and then finds out that is is pregnant for CY… OMFG WHAT A PREDICTION!!! 😀

    October 10, 2012
    • pam lee #

      lluvlee…I saw that comment too..I was like WTH? Crazy how everyone is coming up with their own ending because we fear our OTP will not find a happy solution to the time travel question.

      October 10, 2012
    • That would give us a certainty of consummate on their journey Travel to the portal. That idea has occured to me!! But interesting story line, I would love that in replace of any other ideas. Thanks for input.

      October 14, 2012
  13. arisahanari #

    @ Sunshine… I will answer that question with total honestly lol

    I’m arisahanari and I’m not just a crack Faith addict, I’m in all types of addictions in the world! I’m for certain I’ll be dancing in loony town after Faith finished airing (because I even doubted my orientation when I swoon at ES’s beauty… but I still love CY’s machoness more so I’m still A-OK~ muahahahaha)

    1) Tell us the lengths you’ve gone to to feed your Faith addiction:

    My bitdefender antivirus had blocked me in Joonni’s blog, Livejournal and Tumblr because it thought there’s a dangerous virus in there due to the fact that I kept on clicking refresh even though I’m asleep! (no seriously, this did happen and I have to take measures like disabling the real-time protection just to get on these blogs!). There’s no mentioning how I kept on rebloging, re-watching, re-creating scenes in my head, crying my eyes out when a song fits ES/CY, watching faith in RAW, watching it a couple more times in different SUBS (viki, dramafever, darksmurfs, withs2), giving comments in blogs, watching Faith’s cast interviews in RAW, watching the behind the scenes, watching fandoms, reading fanfiction, writing fanfiction, stalking Faith fans, read every recaps and reviews available, threating my friends to watch Faith (I was in dire need of fangirling), bribing my mom and sis to watch Faith too!

    2) What have you given up:

    My precious sleep! (period!) I just love to sleep all day long when I’m in my semester break, but Faith had made me stay awake like a madman, refreshing all of the above. I even woke up in the middle of 3am just to download the RAW before going to sleep and wake up an hour later to watch it in RAW and SUBS afterwards. (I will so regret this after the break T__T).

    3) Do you feel like you learn something valuable:

    Live life to the fullest, Every waking moment is a precious one, Love yourself, Keep on trying even if everything deems impossible, Never give up on life, Love conquers all

    I seriously NEED a cure after all of these… *sweat drop*

    October 10, 2012
    • pam lee #

      Wow, arisahanari, you take the prize for your #1 and #2! I am a shameless addict too. Welcome to the club 🙂 And as far as your #3, let’s hope love does really conquer all so our OTP can be together…forever!!!!

      October 10, 2012
      • arisahanari #

        lmao I feel embarrassed all of a sudden. Oh well, at least I’m happy ogling over the Imja couple. I’ve never seen such cute, loving and more suited for each other couple in kdramaland!

        October 10, 2012
        • Sunshine #

          Oh, don’t be embarrassed. We fangirls completely understand.


          P.S. Loved your number 3. So true.

          October 10, 2012
  14. CallieP #

    Softy: You wrote this” I knew Faith had what it took to become a hit online even if it was struggling in the ratings. I have a sixth sense about dramas early on and I just knew from the first episode this show would be a runaway hit. Every subsequent episode just proved my initial premonition about Faith was 100% warranted.”

    I would like to know if you meant that Faith would be a big hit like City Hunter and Boys over Flowers internationally? I am personally invested in it and like all the characters, especially LMH and KHS. I am totally addicted to it, inspite of it faults and look forward to Mondays. However reading through other blogs and web sites, apart from Soompi, there has been quite a bit of criticism about LMH, KHS’s acting and complaints that the drama is boring, etc, etc. So what information do you have to substantiate that Faith is a hit? I am asking because I really want it to be successful. Faith has experienced a lot of problems from the beginning and LMH finally agreed to do it. I would hate it to be a failure for him.

    October 10, 2012
    • Iluvlee #

      Me to I would hate for it to be a failure especially since it’s so good… and what exactly is there to complain about apart from the directing! When it comes to the acting…IMO They’re doing a damn good job.

      October 10, 2012
    • pam lee #

      I know you’re asking Softy a question, but I’d just like to share my opinion as a Faith fan. Faith definitely has its flaws, such as the directing, editing, etc… But what draws people in (besides Lee Min Ho’s sexy self) is the story line. First, there’s the bromance between Young and Gongmin and their efforts to make a king and build a nation; secondly, there’s the obvious love story between two very unlikely characters who face insurmountable obstacles to find happiness together (and their relationship is slow and organic in development); third, there’s also the personal growth and character development of the 2 OTP couples. Even the secondary characters, including the villains have captured our hearts with their personalities and quirks. These reasons are why I love Faith so much and have become so invested in this drama. For instance, I think Arang (they some big stars too) has better directing, editing, acting, cinematography, OST but I just don’t like it as much as Faith because the characters don’t draw me in. Thanks for reading the ramblings of a Faith!

      October 10, 2012
    • Hi CallieP, I wrote Faith would be an online hit based on my gut instincts after the first episode and my overall recapping experience. To be honest, before it started, I never expected to even like this drama cuz I was wary of the age gap between the two leads and cuz I don’t like dramas like legend. But after e1, if this story was this good and could even convert someone like me into a fan, I knew we had a winner. Ever since then, after each live recap, I kept marveling how this drama could keep this up and not have a single bad or dull episode cuz most dramas have one or two that are slow out of 16. The ones you don’t feel like rewatching again. That was another indication for me too – after translating for over 6hrs each night, for me to want to watch it again on the weekend means it’s a keeper.
      Then there is the online response. I keep track of the numbers when I recap a show on my blog and here. Right after an episode airs on soompi (on avg 170-190 each ep), during the week when it’s not on (between 70-80 people online), and now that thread is over 600 pages which is like the highest I’ve seen lately for any recent or current drama.
      I’ve been around during hits like SKKS and SG so I know a few things. Dramas that aren’t a ratings hit can still be considered hits cuz of their devoted fan base. Just look at how many people make music videos, gifs, share up to date info, write fan fics, build up interest on FB and twitter, etc. Faith is the only drama online that is drumming up so much interest so even if others criticize, stop watching, or even find it dull, one thing even they can’t deny is that right now Faith is topping all the other dramas currently airing when it comes to online fervor. We have to wait and see how it fares with the last 4 eps to be certain, but I have a feeling we will see a similar number of fan turnout as SKKS and SG on soompi (for the average ppl online right after it airs). FYI: coffee prince, SKKS, and SG had the highest numbers I have ever seen – over 500 and as high as 700 online. But those were the days before live streaming websites that had quick translations during live recaps so these days ppl rely less on soompi and check other sites while they live stream.
      Faith can’t be compared to BOF and CH cuz years later, most people wondered why they even watched it back then and question what they really liked about it (ok maybe that just applies to me), but for Faith – even years from now, there will be no regrets. It stands the test of time. Maybe it isnt perfect (no brooding shower scene), but you cant deny it’s got everything you want in a drama. more importantly, it’s just fun to watch. Speaking only for myself, there are just a handful of dramas I really enjoyed – so much that I wanted the DVD, wasn’t ashamed to say I watched it, and smile when I remember how much fun I had taking part in it. Faith went on that list ages ago.

      October 11, 2012
      • Sunshine #

        Softy’s “in the know”. Faith is definitely something special. The soompi thread is like a wildfire. I’m wondering if it will reach 1,000 pages by the time it ends. Softy, thank you for all the hours you have sacrificed sleep,(and sanity as you replay certain scenes over and over for the recapping). We truly are humbled and appreciative.

        Oh my goodness…is it really 6am? *scurries off to bed*

        October 11, 2012
        • pam lee #

          Softy, thanks for your input! Just reconfirms that Faith has the “X” factor, something that elevates it to a classic in kdrama.

          Sunshine, at the rate it’s going, I wouldn’t be surprised if Joonni’s blog gets 1 million hits from us Faith addicts during the next 6 episodes 🙂 I find soompi’s Faith forum kind of hard to follow. See you later!

          October 11, 2012
      • Jungah #

        Softy, thanks for your input, and it’s awesome to know that Faith is drumming up so much online love. I absolutely agree with you that a test of time is a great indicator of the quality of a drama. There definitely are dramas that I have watched, and which I liked while watching, but then later on, asked myself why I liked it so much. With Faith, I knew I wanted to buy the DVD after the 5th episode. At full price. Lol.

        October 11, 2012
      • joonni #

        It really is interesting to see how and why a certain drama is more popular internationally online than others. What is it about the drama that makes it so? Sometimes it’s really hard to explain. The second part of BOF was so bad but I couldn’t stop myself from watching it, screaming and complaining all the way through to the end. And I don’t think that it’s all due the drama’s storyline. I think it also takes a certain group of fans who help to generate more of that fervor. Lots of creative fans who create images, m/v, etc. and I think LMH has huge fanbase all over the world for that. They just spend so much time loving the boy and his dramas. It’s amazing to behold.

        October 12, 2012
      • Hi Softy, loved your response to CallieP, on different dramas and how some of the rating w/ local Koreans and computer rating internationally. Computer has evolved from 2006 til now, because that’s when I started watching Asian dramas..from Japanes to Korean. Japanes Dramas didn’t want to evoled in their story line, it became boring to watch. So Princess G. referred me to Korean Dramas. We both got hooked on Korean drama and started purchasing the DVD when it was available. I assured you, we both went out of our way just to have the english version of the DVD. Now, you can down load easy and even edit own version of a drama. But, it’s not the same as the “director’s cut or special scence’s”! I know, because I’ve worked in the Film Industry. Korean dramas has given me insight of Korean history/cultures and their way of life, even though I’m Asian..raised in US. Having to watch a lot of diversity of Movie/Dramas gave me a respect on their ethnicity. I complement you & Joonni for as awesome recaping on this “drama – Faith”. This is one drama that I would love to have, when it’s available.Keep up the great work..for ever fan.

        October 12, 2012
  15. Mayra #

    Arisahanari… I just listened to the song you mentioned “time to say good bye”, it really makes me think of our lovely couple*** bawling my eyes out***

    October 10, 2012
    • arisahanari #

      It’s a beautiful song isn’t it? *sniff sobs* I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks of Imja couple when listening to it. It really does give us the vivid visual through the lyrics and melody… gosh… I’m crying again!

      October 10, 2012
  16. Time Traveller #

    I could not hold my laugh when I see KC was really happy to imagine that he will go to “Heaven World”. He’s really like a child imagines a candy world 🙂

    I bet first time when ES arrive to “Heaven World” with KC, she’ll brought him to Police Office and report that this guy captured her. It will be a good show to see how KC will fight modern weapons…LOL

    October 10, 2012
  17. ladyeury #

    LMAO, you guys are hysterical! I love it! So, I guess it’s my turn…

    Hi, my name is ladyeury and I’m not only a Faith addict but also an LMH addict. 🙂

    October 10, 2012
  18. joonni #

    You guys are commenting so fast, I can’t keep up. 😀 Will be back soon, hopefully to read all and reply. *Hugs*

    October 11, 2012
    • Sunshine #

      We are just ensuring our dear Joonni has something to read in case she needs a pick-me-up…oh, and yippee, the week is almost over. 🙂

      October 11, 2012
    • pam lee #

      I know you said you’d be busy this week so I can’t wait for your reaction to some of the crazy comments we’ve been posting here! Lol! So fun!

      October 11, 2012
  19. ladyeury #

    So I just saw that a new historical kdrama started yesterday. It’s on the same channel as Faith (aka The Great Doctor) and is called the The Great Seer. So not only does it have a similar name BUT it’s about Lee Seong-gye, the General turned King, who is responsible for our favorite General’s demise. I haven’t seen it yet but am I sensing a bit of a theme with the executives at SBS?

    October 11, 2012
  20. Ilana #

    A lovely video that captures just a few of our couple’s loveliest was uploaded on the soompi forum

    I think they used this song for The Princess’ Man? But I’m loving it a lot more for Eun Soo and Young…

    October 11, 2012
    • pam lee #

      Thanks for sharing, Llana. Hopefully when Faith is done we have more compilations of their most romantic moments. Oh, Imja couple, I ship you to death!!!

      October 11, 2012
    • Sussie #

      LOL I´m daydreaming again at work! Hahaha
      Love the music for ES/CY moments.. Too bad is so short this MV

      October 11, 2012
  21. Callie #

    I wonder if anyone else noticed LMH during the back hug scene. I played it several times. The camera stayed on him a long time at the end. He kept his face expressionless before he finally looked down but then you could see his eyes slowly brim with tears. In his other roles like BOF, you would see angst on his face but being CY and always hiding or keeping his emotions under wrap, You can imagine the conflict going on inside, wanting her to stay but thinking she has to go for her own safety. The only clue you can see is the tears slowly building up in his eyes. I thought that was beautiful, understated but so poignant. Some people might say he was wooden but I disagree.

    October 11, 2012
    • Jungah #

      100% agree! He portrays a lot of emotions through his eyes, which I think is the mark of a really good actor. They kill me. I just want to drown in them every time. Sigh. Lol.

      October 11, 2012
    • Sussie #

      So true!! And, at the end of that scene his mouth also trembled, just a little (enough to give me a heartbreak T_T). I don’ t usually cry easily but this time… I couldn’t swallow back my tears T_T

      LMH is a great actor, and have been improving his acting skills with each rol he plays. I have been his fan since BFF :P… as a matter of fact that my first k-drama I watched (… I know… a bit late but in my country, k-drama are not so known yet). With my sister, we found BFF because of the anime (in which it based)… And since then… we have been watching a LOT of K- dramas, no- stop (new and old dramas) hahaha LOL

      October 11, 2012
    • Iluvlee #

      So tru that is something I’ve always admire about him.. he can use his eyes to say so much… it gets me everytime

      October 11, 2012
    • CallieP #

      During the backhug, LMH also swallows hard, see his adam apple as though he is trying hard to swallow his emotions that is rising to the surface.

      October 11, 2012
  22. ladyeury #

    I agree 100%! To be able to portray that amount of turmoil and emotion with simply your eyes and keep the rest of your face stoic, well, that takes true acting talent and ability. It’s one of the main reasons I enjoy watching LMH so much. I’ve been a fan of his from early on and have truly enjoyed seeing him get better with each drama he does.

    October 11, 2012
  23. soon #

    Hi Joonni, so happy to find your site and discovered so many who like Faith, you know it can be very frustrating when you really like a show yet keep seeing the bad commments…

    October 11, 2012
    • SH #

      Welcome! Joonni, Softy and the posters here are amazing 😀

      Don’t let bad comments from other sites ruin your enjoyment of the show. After a while, just think of them as white noise.

      October 11, 2012
    • I wouldn’t worry about people leaving bad comments! The main thing in this Drama is that it made a person think/feel that emotional connection “bad/good”& write about it!! Also it has that controversial!! Any drama/movie will not get recognition if it didn’t have its good/bad critics. It makes people watch it, just to satisfy their curiosity.

      October 11, 2012
    • joonni #

      Hi soon! Welcome!
      I have a general idea on what those bad comments are and while I can’t say that I disagree with them 100%, I love this drama and try my best of emphasize the good points without ignoring what could be better. Also since I love the drama and believe in sharing love and enjoying it, I’ve tried to create a space where people are free to do so. Hope you enjoy your time here.

      October 12, 2012
  24. Wow, I woke up to 158 emails of comments from you girls and spent a whole hour reading them all. You girls are hilarious crazy.

    Hi, I’m Deb, and I’m a Faith addict (sorry I’m a lil late but I’ll confess for the sake of my sanity). My addiction started after reading the recap of Episode 4 on joonni and that was when I started watching faith.

    1. I googled everything about Gong in, Choi Young and the Goryeo period
    I stalk joonni, vingle and Facebook pages
    I laugh myself silly on those crazy photoshopped pictures of KC, eum and all the baddies
    My sister thinks I’m crazy
    I grumble about the drama all day to my mom (for some reason, my addiction went to the extent of being critical of the drama because that’s how badly I want it to do well)

    2. I postponed my attachment with a company until Faith is over
    My mom thinks I’ve abandoned her as a shopping partner

    3. The importance of communication and how selfless and unconditional love is (I think our Imja couple embodies that very well)

    I love this girl in the video because she practically summarized my addiction in the first part of the video. And I especially love how she perves on LMH

    October 11, 2012
    • pam lee #

      Welcome to Faith addicts non-anonymous, debberdeux! I’ve seen this review and I was perving LMH right along with her! Lol! She’s pretty entertaining. Glad to see you here and fangirling Faith with us.

      October 11, 2012
    • Sunshine #

      Oh my…as it really up to 158? Sure it is at 200 by now. 😀

      Funny how much we’ve all learned about that part of history from all the googling.

      P.s. tell your mom you’ll be available in 3 more weeks. 🙂 haha

      October 11, 2012
      • She gave up already. Lol. And I’ll be starting work after this series ends.

        October 13, 2012
  25. Mayra #

    Guys, any spoiler for EP 19??? I’m dying to know a bit of what will happen. Monday seems way too far away yet 😦 Watching Faith has become my priority number one… I think I’m hopeless now.. no turning back now, I have completely fallen for this drama.

    October 11, 2012
  26. So I finally finished 18. I had to break it up since I was getting to upset with the Woodalchi dying. T_T

    I love Eunsoo. I love that girl to death. BUT IF SHE DOESNT STOP HIDING THINGS FROM CHOI YOUNG I WILL SLAP HER! The poor guy has issues with people hiding things. His fiance killed herself and from how people talk about it it sounded like she didnt tell him anything either. Give CY the benefit of the doubt and be honest because otherwise he gets himself all worked up and that cant be good for his blood pressure. (And I totally just noticed that LMH is missing a chunk out of his ear, I wonder if is left over from his car accident)

    I really hope KC kills DH, it makes my heart happy to think of this.

    And backhug soon made me all weepy. Spcially when CY started to get all emotional.

    I am also starting to get emotional when ever the Ali songs starts playing. The words dont even have to be there and I’m already starting to tear up. This is only 2nd time this happened with a song in the drama, the other one is from FBRS and I wonder every day why I downloaded it because I always start crying when it comes up on my itunes.

    Sorry for late reply. I kept not being at home.

    October 11, 2012
    • pam lee #

      Hi, Onichick! You noticed a chunk missing from LMH’s ear? LMAO!!! I’m too busy drooling to notice. Which scene and on which ear?

      I was upset and very pessimistic after Ep 18 so I understand how you feel. I also think things are going to get bloodier if Yuan tries to yank the throne from under Gongmin in the next eps. Please, no more Woodalchi puppy deaths!

      About ES, IKR, she’s the one who told CY to be her “pa-ta-ner” and here she is always hiding things from CY. But CY does go to extreme measures whenever it comes to ES’s safety so I kind of understand where she’s coming from but don’t excuse it. These two are perfect for each other, playing their sacrificing-myself-because-I-love-you-so-much game. Heaven should have mercy and just let them have a happy ending…PLEASE!!! T_T

      I agree, the piano version of Carry On brings me to tears!

      October 11, 2012
      • Its from his his..*looks down at hands* left ear? The ones thats exposed. Its not like a HUGE chunk but its noticeable,

        I think the scene that killed me was when the King was leaving the on group of Woodalchi and they bowed to him even though GM didnt see it. The fact that I knew they were going to die, They knew they were going to die it just crushed my heart.

        I have little patience for the Noble Idiocy Carousel. I could deal with it in City Hunter because it made sense to me. Here, its just starting to frusrate me. Then again my patience could just be low for it because of The Moon that embraces the Sun. Or maybe I just need to smack both ES and CY upside the head and put them in time out ill they figure out how to talk to each other without ES lying to him or CY going into RAWRCHOIYOUNGHULKSMASH!

        October 11, 2012
        • pam lee #

          I’m crushed but I find comfort that Gongmin had such remorse for the Woodalchi soldiers who sacrificed themselves and died protecting him. I got emotional when G apologized to CY because he knew how crushed he would be with the loss. I also loved the bromantic scene when G came to find Young mourning privately in his room. I’m tearing up just thinking about this…so

          As you put it “the Nobel Idiocy Carousel” is making me dizzy and I about to throw up so those two need to stop it.

          October 11, 2012
          • RDH is doing such a awesome job as GM. I would love Faith if for no other reason than him. GM is easily one of my favorite characters. I just wanna squish his face and hug him. Might even risk getting stabbed to do it. G and N are my fluffy spot of the show. As long as they stay together and awesome Im ok. (Because in RL bad bad things are coming for G and N)

            Im just hoping we get a real confession soon with a real kiss. Otherwise I will be knocking heads together.

            October 11, 2012
            • Sunshine #

              RL was a downer for them, wasn’t it? Maybe they will show them kissing on Monday’s ep. Ooooo! Just the thought made me feel giddy for them. 🙂

              October 11, 2012
              • I am not too concerned for GongNo and seeing a kiss for them. I am happy with them and all their implied intimacy. Even if I keep remembering how she dies and I start hypervenilating.

                I want a real kiss from Noble Idiot Warrior Boy and Noble Idiot 2 Eunsoo. Unfort for me once I actually watched 17, the kiss seemed ..I dont know…pre planned? Im holding out for a spontaneous kiss. (Although Im sure a kiss wasnt what Lady Choi meant and Im sure CY defended it later by going WELL YOU SAID TO STOP THE WEDDING!….all the while Lady Choi is beating him) I think I am getting frustrated by how guarded they are being, we are getting tastes and hints but Im getting ot the point of YOU ARE RUNNING OUT OF TIME! CONFESS NOW OR DONT COME CRYING TO ME WHEN THEY LEAVE!

                I have to keep reminding myself there is 6 more episodes left and they cant rush things…

                October 11, 2012
              • Sunshine #

                Six eps feel so short now that we are only 3 weeks out. They do need to come out and say, “I love you”. Which by the way, when she backhugged him, some people noted she said she would love him the remaining days, and others said she would love him. I thought I heard the word for “like”, but I couldn’t tell if the context that was used it it really meant “love”. If this has already been touched on in our super quick thread, my apologies. I must have missed it!

                October 11, 2012
        • Sunshine #

          So funny, I noticed the missing ear chunk early in the drama, and wondered how I had missed it in his prior dramas. Gives him extra charm to not be so perfect. Wonder how that happened to his ear.

          October 11, 2012
          • I was wondering if it wasnt from his car accident in 2006. The one he was in with Jung Ilwoo. Which makes me flaily because I adore both of them.

            It was just one of those things I noticed, and once I noticed it I couldnt stop noticing., so there was literally a scene I had to replay because I was staring at his ear lol

            October 11, 2012
            • Sunshine #

              I wondered about the accident. Thankfully it wasn’t one of the crazy’s saesangs nibbling at his ear. Heehee.

              October 11, 2012
              • pam lee #

                I googled what saesangs were and they are some scary bishes…yikes!

                October 11, 2012
              • Sunshine #

                They are all sorts of scary!

                October 12, 2012
  27. Mayra #

    Onichick, by a real kiss you mean a private kiss between the 2 of them and not in front of everyone out of pressure due to the wedding was going to take place? I think I get what you mean but for me it was a real anyways, yes maybe Choi Young had to rush things a bit but he sooooo wanted that kiss anyways and let’s not talk about Eun Soo…she was in happiness shock 😛 hahaha so for me it did feel like a real kiss 🙂

    October 11, 2012
  28. Mayra #

    or where you talking about the king and queen kissing?? I so, I doubt we’ll be seing one, I don’t know why exactly but I don’t feel like they will show it to us. Although it was implied they already had sex right?? I mean, after GM told N that he had already broken a promise by falling in love with a girl from Yuan… he started to spend a lot of time with her wearing her pijamas right?

    October 11, 2012
    • Iluvlee #

      Your right Mayra… they didn’t show them getting intimate but It was implied and it was right after he confessed his feeling for her, you see them sharing a bedroom and wearing pijamas.

      October 11, 2012
      • Sussie #

        I want to see ES and CY wearing pijamas too!! LOL hahahaha

        October 11, 2012
        • Iluvlee #

          You and me both 😀 but it would be even better if CY pijama didn’t come with a top.

          October 11, 2012
          • Sussie #

            😀 XD
            A topless scene… that will be fantastic! ( my imagination is flying…)

            October 11, 2012
            • Mayra #

              By the way, has LMH had a scene shirtless yet??? he always does in every drama I’ve watched…BOF, P. Taste and CH… but I don’t remember seeing one on Faith yet…I demand a shirtless scene!!! LOL

              October 11, 2012
  29. lidy #

    it is now friday, 5:48am in seoul korea right now 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 monday will fast be upon us

    October 11, 2012
    • Sunshine #

      Yay! I start getting excited on Thursday night, because Monday does feel so much closer! 🙂

      October 11, 2012
  30. Mayra #

    @Sussie, I want to see ES and CY wearing their pyjamas too !! 😉 hahaha now that I think about it, N was talking about preparing some “drinks” for the king before they got it on…right? and ES told CY she would like to offer him some “beer” but there wasn’t any so tea will do… I wonder if after that backhug something happened??? afterall, the scene left us with the two of them hugging and we didn’t see how they parted… hahaha (my imagination is running wild again)…but anyhow, that wouldn’t be impossible right? we’ll see if there are any surprises about that later on… 🙂

    October 11, 2012
    • Sussie #

      @Mayra LOL your imagination is not the only one running wild regarding those two… hahaha

      October 11, 2012

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